Friday, January 08, 2010
 It's Been Awhile...
Well will you look at that?
2009 came and went and I haven't posted anything of significance to this blog for quite some time. Back when I first started writing here, there weren't that many distractions and I had a focus, a sole mission of attracting the favorable attention of this one special lady who is now MY special lady no thanks in part to my long diatribes here, but I digress.
So anyway, now with Twitter, Facebook, my iPhone and oh yes, work taking up most of my free time and energy, I find it more and more of a concentrated effort to put my thoughts into long, coherent words -- here. But fear not, I am in no way closing shop, just merely saying postings will be far and few in between but posted nevertheless. Besides I still need the medium just in case something wordy comes along and the 140-character limit Twitter allows just won't do.
Stay tuned, more blab to come.
Or not.